Let us tell you a short story. A little while ago Alexa and I were driving back from her parent’s house. We were discussing our business and Zhane was happily playing with his Lego in the back. During our conversation we discussed how we wanted to ensure we never lost the true ethos of our business. How we always wanted to ensure we continued to make the right decisions. We decided at this point to write down what was important to us and we came up with our 5 promises or questions we could ask ourselves whenever we had to make a decision or create something. This could be buying some supplies for an event, creating a lesson plan or writing a social media post.
So our 5 promises were born, but to make sure we stuck to these we also decided we’d make them public. So we ask you, please let us know if you feel we are not fulfilling any of these promises. We are not perfect and we are of course still learning, but we will try!